Papa's Blog

Magick All Around The World

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Magick All Around The World

Differences In Magick Around The World There are many distinct differences between magick in the Western world in comparison to the indigenous magick practiced by other areas of the world. Western techniques differ in many fundamental ways, and historically both sides have looked at each other in negative light over the years. Westernerns have had disdain for traditionally African Magicks such as Voodoo, or Candomble, but there is an equal amount of negativity towards Western practices by non-western cultures.  Social media has allowed us to see that many non-Western practitioners and shamans describe western magick in a way that describes it as fiction. Many believe there just are no results. Wicca in...

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Magick Surrounds Us All

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Magick Surrounds Us All

Have you ever wondered if magick was a part of you? Many of Papa's clients don't know that they themselves are magickal. Yes you read that correct. Everyone on earth has the ability to perform their own spell works and claim their own destiny. With time, knowledge, effort, and patience we can all manifest our own outcomes to what we wish they be.  How do I unlock my own powers? Whether you wish for love, money, health, luck, self-improvement, or something else you must understand that it is possible. Truly honing your own magickal skills is not something for the...

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Changes To Come To Full Moon

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Changes To Come To Full Moon

A Change In Prices In the next month or so the prices on all items shall be raised slightly due to raised cost of shipping, raised cost for materials, and supporting employees at Full Moon. Papa, his coven, and employees, all strive to give their clients the best experience possible and also wish to stay open and honest about procedures behind the scenes. Giving our clients the highest level of commitment, work, and products is something that shall continue. Before this change in pricing happens be sure to reserve which works you had your eye on as once the prices are changed...

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Why Magick?

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Why Magick?

Why should I trust magick? This is a question many of Papa's clients have asked over the years and it's an understandable one because most of society doesn't know about magick or understand it very well. Most peoples exposure to magick is in movies, books, and media, but real life magick isn't usually like in the movies. Over the past few decades Papa has been helping his clients with issues that life brings us such a money, love, health, wealth, and more. A quick visit to the testimonials page will show that there have been thousands of successes over the...

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A New Year To Proser

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A New Year To Proser

Make A Change We start out a new year, a new decade even, with the hopes of prosperity and happiness. I do hope you had a great holiday season and a Happy New Year. Having a fresh start to make things right and to take our lives in the direction we hope for is always inspiring for many. I for one look forward to creating new memories with my family, helping friend and clients, and bringing joy to many peoples lives in the upcoming year. What changes shall you make in the new year? How To Create Change If you...

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