Papa's Blog — Curse Spells
What Type of Person Uses Voodoo?
Posted by full moon on

One of the questions many people ask over and over is "What type of person uses Voodoo?" So often people suspect that only offbeat or somehow weird people might turn to the power of Voodoo in their lives, forgetting that Voodoo is a religion with a longer history than many religions they are more familiar with. Let me begin by saying that all types of people use Voodoo and over the years of working with people through the Internet Papa Crow has helped people in all 50 of the United States, and in 77 countries around the world! Perhaps it...
- Tags: Curse Spells, Love Spells, Papa's Blog, Voodoo Success
A Papa Crow Voodoo Doll Success Story
Posted by full moon on
Hardly a week goes by without someone writing and sharing with me a story of the success and positve change Voodoo has had in their life using the powerful spells and dolls I make for them. One old friend and client wrote me last week to reserve a Mister Lucky Numbers Voodoo Doll, and also told me of the success she has enjoyed with other Voodoo dolls I made for her, in matters of love curses, health and blessings, and success for a loved one. Here is what she had to say..."Hi Papa Crow!I purchased a Breakup Doll for my friend...her boyfriend...