Papa's Blog — Free Magick
FREE Blessing Candles as a Gift from Papa Crow
Posted by full moon on

It is with great appreciation for many years of service to so many friends around the world, that I wanted to send a short note and tell you about a gift I am now giving with all future higher level castings. Three FREE Blessing Candles shall be included with all Triple Cast, Coven Cast, Triple Coven Cast, and where they are offered Three Night Triple Coven Castings. The three candles shall provide even more positve energy, and added protection and blessings to you and yours! They shall vary according to the spell work, need, and desire, and be tailored to...
- Tags: Candle Magick, Free Magick, Free Voodoo, Papa's Blog
Rewards Program
Posted by full moon on
Here at Full Moon Magick Shoppe we have a new and exciting Rewards Program for our clients! It's simple and quick to sign up and start gaining rewards. To sign up click the link on the bottom right corner. It looks like this: Once you have clicked this simply "Create a Store Account" and gain 200 points immediately! Getting rewards is so simple and there are so many options. Like us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and get 50 points for each! Have an upcoming birthday? Gain 200 Points for that. Happy Birthday! Join today and start getting huge savings...
- Tags: Free Magick, Papa's Blog, Rewards Program