FREE Blessing Candles as a Gift from Papa Crow

Posted by full moon on

It is with great appreciation for many years of service to so many friends around the world, that I wanted to send a short note and tell you about a gift I am now giving with all future higher level castings.

Three FREE Blessing Candles shall be included with all Triple Cast, Coven Cast, Triple Coven Cast, and where they are offered Three Night Triple Coven Castings.

The three candles shall provide even more positve energy, and added protection and blessings to you and yours! They shall vary according to the spell work, need, and desire, and be tailored to work with your spell, doll, ring, or other totem.

There is no additional fee, and no increase in fees for this. These are a gift for those seeing the wisdom of higher level casting works. A gift form Papa Crow and Full Moon Magick Shoppe.

If you have need of a Love Spell or a Voodoo Doll for Love, the candles shall be tailored to add energy to the love intent we work for.

Money Voodoo Dolls and Money Spells shall have more power with the cleansing and positve flow coming from these extra candles.

Again, thank you for being a friend to me, and if you have any questions at any time please just write to me.

Papa Crow

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